First step:Growing up to say ‘Thank You’

Here I am now. Walking to the edge of being a little girl, slowly climbing into the big world and the big life. I am no more a girl of ignorance but a woman of bliss. I can still remember the day I lost my first slate in my LKG class and all the tears I brewed for a new one. Time sure does fly fast just by ticking innocently. Its been about 7996 sunrises and sunsets since I  rose from my mother’s womb and it intrigues me even to see the number. Yet I don’t regret about the sunset of yesterday nor do I worry about the sunrise of tomorrow. Just a wave of nostalgia in this sea of life.Photo-Editor-Plus-1461932863792 All those places I have breathed in, all the people I have eaten with, all those first time experiences I was gifted with, all those  happy moments, all those tearful views, all those sadness that clouded me and rained with despair, finally to see the rainbows of peace bent upwards. My heart started beating about 21 years ago and has kept me alive , thanks to so many people. Very less people have broken it. This makes me grateful for everything I had and am having. This moment is what I am made up of. Time has always been an entity of motion and I hope to run with it in style. I guess time runs differently in my watch and only I get to wind this watch. I can fasten it or slow it down but somehow go on ticking till the end.

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